Friday, June 24, 2011

There are several things I'd like to recommend to you:

1: Don't try to blog on an iPad. Don't get me wrong, they're awesome, but it took me about four minutes to type the title to this entry, which was enough to force me off the couch and ALL THE WAY up the stairs to get my laptop.

2: The Kathy Griffin comedy special "Gurrl Down." If I was really adamant about selling it, I'd look up some star youtube moments and post them here, but no one's paying me to promote her, so, you'd be better off finding it on Bravo sometime. It is really funny.

3. This banana bread recipe, which was handed down over generations to me. (Read: my roomie Sara got it from a prior roomie, Angela, who maybe actually was bequeathed it from her grandma or someone. Btdubbs: Angela is getting married this weekend in Westchester, and though I can't be there--HAPPY WEDDING, ANG! My next slice of banana bread will be dedicated to you and Kevin.)

But really, Cody may be the chef of the kids, but baby girl is the baker, ok? I made the most kickass Paula Deen pound cake a few days ago that I planned on freezing for Cody's party, but the perfectionist who birthed me (love you, mom) decided because a tiny bit of the top came off in the bundt pan, it had to be redone. Whatever. I got to eat it the other day.

Baller Banana Bread:

What you need:
-1/3 cup softened butter
-1 cup sugar
-1 egg
-4 ripe bananas
-1 teaspoon vanilla
-1 teaspoon baking soda
-pinch of salt
-1 1/2 cups flour
-hefty amounts of walnuts and chocolate chips (most necessary ingredients)

What you do with that stuff:
-Cream together the butter, sugar, egg and vanilla.
-Squish the bananas in and cream those suckers, too.
-Fold in the baking soda, salt, and flour
-Dump in the copious amounts of choco chips and walnuts

Grease the life out of a pan, preferably a cute bundt bread one. Oh, crap. You should have preheated the oven to 350 degrees. Sorry if that sets you back a half an hour, but let's face it-no one is reading this and cooking along at the same time. PLUS, you're baking banana bread, what else do you have going on really?

TASTY TIPS FROM SARA: If you're baking in a bundt pan where the bottom will turn out to be the top, dump some sugar and cinnamon in first so the topping will have a nice crisp to it. If you're just baking in a normal pan, just put it on top (duh). Also, this is really special--serve it with sea salt, deeeeeeeelicious.

Cook it for around 45 minutes. You can stick a toothpick into the center of it, which will probably hit a banana or chip and come out gooey, so just take it out when your fabulous baker's intuition (or your nose) tells you it's done. Then eat it.

4) Britney Spears' (speerziz) new video for "I Wanna Go," in which she proves herself a stoner ("Half Baked" reference at the beginning, y'all) and also a sex offender--she flashes, like, a 10 year old boy. But damn if this song isn't catchy.

5) To reclaim my street cred, here's a cover of Arcade Fire's "The Suburbs" by Mr. Little Jeans that Cody played for me the other day. It should be the perfect thing to relax to after all that banana bread you ate.


  1. mmmm bahnaynay bread. i think i got that recipe offline somewhere and not grandma hahahha

    i wish you were here, sleeping with cats on your face in my house:( i love you
