Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I accidentally (and by accidentally I mean "while a little tipsy from a glass of wine last Saturday night") re-activated my OKCupid account, and the site won't let me delete it for a full week! It's like reading something I signed in someone's yearbook in sixth grade. (What's ^? Tech Ed was soo weird. KIT" followed by my landline.)

I'm getting messages from people being like "Hey, I like your photo! You sound neat! blahblah" and I want to write back and be like, "Oh sorry, the person you're reading about literally does not exist anymore. But maybe you'd like Kt 2.0?"

This was my main photo. WHO IS THAT. Also...the hand on the chin? Really?

Which brings me to another musing--Jenna and I were discussing whether or not the Hodge is first date material once I "get out there" again (makes the dating scene sound like an arena.) Do I sneak it in? Like,"I went to college at SUNY New Paltz, I love Robyn, and I actually just had cancer a little bit ago. What's your favorite food?" I'm really not good at keeping my own secrets, and I don't really want to treat the Hodge like a secret anyway, but I could imagine it being awkward. I actually went on a date during chemo, but the guy knew I had cancer beforehand. Imagine dropping THAT bomb if he didn't?

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