Monday, October 24, 2011

Some next level ish...

This is the kind of thing that always makes me wonder what aliens or people from the past would think if they were shown these videos.

I.... don't even have any more words for this.

via Gawker

1 comment:

  1. ok. so my initial reaction was that i LOVE these people, becasue the nightmare before christmas is one of my favorite movies, and these people obviously respect and love that film and hold it on the same level as i do. right? right.
    then i saw the second video, and i began to realize who these people truly were. and now i hate it and them and they dont deserve to play the halloween song.
    but. i cannot deny the genius of this family. to my technologically defunt brain i picture the entire family [who is about the size of the duggars] holding wires or positioned next to a light switch, waiting for their cue to unplug or flip the switch.
    the second video does make we want to stand in their driveway with a solo cup of beer [or whiskey] and drink and dance to the colorful strobes, and pretend that i am at mountain jam again.
